Blog: Wiki So Far

I haven't start to contribute our class wiki yet. However, I did some of the research about specific areas that I want to contribute. First, I want to talk about gaming. Although someone already contribute information about this area, but I want to add few of things, such as Rockstar, which is a video game company that creates a lot of interesting and good video games, such as GTA 5 and Red Death Redemption 2. Those are two of the most popular video games so far, and I also play them in my free time. Second, I want to contribute information about Tik Tok, which is a mobile application that creates and shares videos as well as live broadcasting. This app is becoming more and more popular in China, and it starts to spread out to other countries. Third, I want to contribute some information about VR gaming. This is new and interesting experience about gaming. It creates a 3-D artificial environment, and users can experience real feeling when they are playing. I believe VR gaming will replace the traditional of gaming in the future.


  1. Hey Aaron, I would love to read about your article on Rockstar. I used to play a lot games from them and reading about how you are going to touch on so many of them, I am extremely excited to read about it.


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