Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual Worlds are models that represents the real world. Nowadays, virtual world can be used for many purposes. For instance, there are many online games use virtual world. It makes the games more realistic and interesting. In addition, Airline and automobile use virtual world for practice. I know training pilots use virtual world to practice frights. It is a vital resource for training pilots to practice instead of flying the plane without any experience. This example also applies to training astronauts.

There are many advantages of using virtual worlds. According to the article, Going to the Virtual Office in Second Life by Mark Tutton, it mentions that corporations use Second Life as a platform for conference. It says “As travel budgets are squeezed and slashed in the recession, companies are increasingly seeking innovative ways of bringing employees together for conferences and meetings remotely” (Tutton, 1). Employees can go to conference on their tablets or laptops. It is much more convenient and easy. It saves time and money. However, the disadvantages of this virtual world are lack of basic law of physics and acuity. It’s also lack of emotion and physical language.

Another interesting article I read is called The Virtual World Moves into the Classroom by Joe Earle. It talks about how virtual world can blend into our lives. For instance, virtual worlds can take people to visit some of the most popular and famous places, such as New York, London and Hong Kong. Virtual Reality (VR) allow people to experience realistic environment. People wear VR to experience war, scared story, sports and so on. The article also talks about how schools should use VR as a field trip, especially to other countries. It costs several thousand of dollars to Paris or Hong Kong, but VR allows users to experience the environment in those places.

I think the future of virtual World will be used on education. Students can stay at home and wear VR to learn. This technology allows students from all over the world “sit” in the classroom and learn together. It will save a lot of time and money. I believe teachers, professors and students would like to use VR for education instead of going to school everyday in the morning.

Work Cited:

The virtual world moves into the classroom Posted by Joe Earle | Sep 14, 2018   

Going to the Virtual Office in Second Life, Nov 5, 2009


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