Blog: Privacy

Although new media has a lot of advantages, it has disadvantages in a subtle way. The biggest and serious issue is privacy. The biggest internet corporations collect our information when we are using the software. They collect our informations and provides and sells them to other big corporations. Those informations include website we visit, our shopping hobbit, and our interests that are analyzed by computer. Some websites of the biggest corporation put tracking software in our computer when we visit their websites. It clearly violates our privacy, but the supreme court ruled that it is ok for them to put tracking in our computers. I was shocked to hear that. In addition, the biggest internet corporation, Google, is monitoring our face and voice when we are using Google. There is a Youtuber who did an experiment. He first found out what kind of advertisements appeared on the website, which are mixed with different products and news. Then, he closed the website and pretended to talk about the topic "dog toys". He talked for few minutes, then he opened the website to see did those advertisements on the same website change or not. I was shocked to see that the advertisement changed from mixed of different products to dog toys. The experiments clearly shows that Google is listening what we are saying and analyze our interests, then it provides us with those advertisement to increase their profits. In addition, there are numerous news about Facebook leaks users' informations. Some hackers can hack into your account and see all of your personal informations, such as address, phone number, financial information, etc. Therefore, when we are using those new media, we are taking a risk that our information might leaks out to public.


  1. I agree with you. A lot of companies collect our information and sell them to the third party companies. The thing is that we don't even know they are trading our information and making profit out of it. It is a serious privacy issue and the government and we should address this problem immediately. I also watched the video you talk about. I was shocked too when I saw that all the ads turn in ads about dog toys. It shows that Google is listening our conversation at any time and it is quite creepy.

  2. I concur. I’m a big advocate for the Google Chrome extension Ghostery. It disables trackers and third party cookies that sites use to monitor your activity, browsing history, and location. On top of that, it doubles as an effective Ad blocker.


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